5 Things You Can Do to Become a Better Podcaster

Do you want to improve your podcast for your listeners? Here are 5 things you should do before releasing your next episode that will help you a lot.

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Uncover the Shocking Reality of the Podcasting Industry for Independent Podcast Hosts text-one

The notion that podcasting is saturated couldn’t be further from reality. Of {{free_pageload.data.output_podcasting_industry_total.toNumber().default(0).formatNumber(0, '.', ',')}} podcasts, only {{free_pageload.data.output_podcasting_industry_active.toNumber().default(0).formatNumber(0, '.', ',')}} are active ({{free_pageload.data.output_percent_currently_active}}%). Another misconception is that successful podcasters have millions of listeners, which isn’t true. (See industry download averages in the following report.) Understanding the reality of podcasting is crucial for long-term success as an independent creator. Review the Independent Podcasters Report monthly to stay informed!

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Implement the Secret to Surviving and Thriving as a Podcast Host text-two

To thrive in podcasting long term, you must clearly define your why and your ideal listener avatar. Craft your why by answering three questions: “Why am I podcasting?” “Who does it serve?” and “How does it serve them?” Then, create and align your avatar based on the why you formed from these answers. Before recording, ask yourself, “Does this content serve [avatar’s name]?” Your avatar becomes your compass, keeping your content focused and impactful!

Avoid Falling Behind in the Ever-Changing World of Podcasting text-three

Two quick ways to fail as a podcast host: thinking you don’t need help and believing you know it all. Podcasting evolves rapidly, and the best hosts devote themselves to continuous learning. No matter their success, they remain students, staying ahead and always sparking their creativity. Humility is key. The best podcasters never stop learning about podcasting. Subscribe to Podcasting Made Simple and listen weekly to stay informed and ahead in podcasting!

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Be Intentional with Listeners to Yield Better Results for Your Podcast text-four

To maximize your podcast's success, you must be intentional with the action you want listeners to take. This requires a simple, clear, singular call to action in every episode. Identify the exact step you want every listener to take, whether it's joining your community or becoming a lead for your service. Consistently and effectively share this ONE call to action, integrating it seamlessly into your content. Clarity and repetition will lead to greater engagement and yield better results!

Take the Quiz to Achieve Your Podcasting Goals Faster and More Accurately text-five

It takes most podcasters 2 years to achieve meaningful results, but only {{free_pageload.data.output_making_it_success_percent_100_epi}}% reach that milestone. Sadly, some people podcast far beyond 2 years and still don’t reach their goals. Time alone isn’t enough; proper positioning is key. Take the podcasters quiz to ensure you reach your podcasting goals as fast and accurately as possible. It provides a snapshot of exactly where you are and what you need to work on next to ensure you achieve your podcasting goals!

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