PodMatch Reviews{{guestdetailpreview.data.Top_Level[0].rating_count>2?(' ('+guestdetailpreview.data.Top_Level[0].rating_count+')'):''}}
Page {{var_photos_page_num.value}}
{{(display_date / 1000).toDate().formatDate('dd MMM, yyyy')}}
Before you can message this guest or see more details, you need to create a PodMatch account.

Add A Guest Profile
Adding a guest profile allows you to also register to become a guest for other podcast hosts. You will become a dual-user, functioning separately as both guest and host, with two separate profiles, all under the same single account.
Important: Once you start the guest registration process, you won't be able to use the remainder of PodMatch until you complete the registration. This can take up to 45 minutes, depending on the amount of information you have available.
Would you like to continue setting up a PodMatch guest profile?
Add Podcast Profile
A PodMatch podcast host profile is only for people that host an active interview-style podcast that is available on Apple Podcasts.
Because you're already registered as a guest on PodMatch, by also registering as a host you'll become a Hybrid PodMatch member. Your guest account will not be affected and you will have two profiles under the same login.
Important: Once you start the host registration process, you won't be able to use the remainder of PodMatch until you complete the registration. This can take up to 30 minutes, depending on the amount of information you have available.
Would you like to continue setting up a PodMatch podcast host profile?
Billing Changes
Adding This Profile Will Change Your Billing As Follows:
{{bill09_get_upgrade_data.data.output_current_rate.toNumber().formatCurrency('$', '.', ',', 2)}}
Current Monthly Premium
{{(bill09_get_upgrade_data.data.output_std_guest_rate.toNumber()+bill09_get_upgrade_data.data.output_std_host_rate.toNumber()).formatCurrency('$', '.', ',', 2)}}
New Monthly Premium
This Will Take Effect On Your Next Billing Date ({{(bill09_get_upgrade_data.data.output_sub_next_charge_date / 1000).toDate().formatDate('MMM dd, yyyy')}})
Note, you can also upgrade to a Professional plan at {{bill09_get_upgrade_data.data.output_pro_rate.toNumber().formatCurrency('$', '.', ',', 2)}}/Mo, which includes this profile option at no extra charge.

A Free Project Management Tool Exclusively For Helping Podcast Hosts On PodMatch Simplify Episode Production
Workflows will help you avoid stress and burnout by simply and effectively managing your podcast episode releases.
How to use Workflows in 6 steps:
1 Enable the freely-included Workflows plugin by clicking below
2 Use the built-in episode release template (or create your own)
3 Press one button to auto-generate your production checklist
4 Check off each step leading up to episode release
5 See a snapshot of completed steps and what's still undone
6 Once you complete production for an episode, repeat steps 3 - 5
Guest prefers booking interviews via PodMatch
to message this guest
Hosts get paid for interviewing guests on PodMatch
To see more details and to message this member, you must add a host profile to your PodMatch account. Click here to learn how.
Administration Details
Guest PodMatch Rating
Age Matches Your Criteria
Willing To Fill Out Additional Forms
Time Availability
Maximum Duration Available
Location Availability
Geo Location
Media Availability
Willing To Share Interviews On Social Media
Willing To Have Communication Prior To Episodes
Guest's Follower Count
Guest Tags
Guest's Approved Images
Call to Action
Link to send listeners to:
About {{guestdetailpreview.data.Top_Level[0].displayname}}
{{guestdetailpreview.data.Top_Level[0].first_name}}'s account is managed by:

{{guestdetailpreview.data.Top_Level[0].displayname+'\'s Website'}}Podcast
{{guestdetailpreview.data.Top_Level[0].first_name}} is also a podcast host.
Ideas For Episode Titles / Main Focus
Questions {{guestdetailpreview.data.Top_Level[0].first_name}} Is Always Ready To Answer
Noteworthy Podcast Episodes {{guestdetailpreview.data.Top_Level[0].first_name}} Has Been A Guest On
PodMatch Reviews{{guestdetailpreview.data.Top_Level[0].rating_count>2?(' ('+guestdetailpreview.data.Top_Level[0].rating_count+')'):''}}

{{(display_date / 1000).toDate().formatDate('dd MMM, yyyy')}}